Thursday, October 20, 2011

Healing with "The Book of 528" (video)

Wisdom Quarterly, Dr. Len Horowitz

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, internationally known public health authority, has founded various non-profit educational organizations to educate people around the world on matters of extreme public importance -- vaccinations, musical scale manipulation, government conspiracies, population reduction plans...

For more than a quarter century, his offerings have endorsed taking personal responsibility for health choices. The goal is achieving optimal wellness and assuring disease prevention through positive lifestyles. This also involves risk avoidance and keeping abreast of controversial social, economic, environmental, and political issues and threats during this fascinating and challenging age.


"If the mainstream media won't do their job, don't fight them, just replace them because they are no longer relevant." - Editor 
. from Len Horowitz. ( "In a world so full of madness, if you lose your sense of humor you'll go friggin' nuts, it's the lighter side of genocide." Film Maker:
 Putting in what the media leave out, bringing the world news from the front lines, Mr. News is New Zealand's alternative Media.

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