Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 2011: Pro-Peace Demonstration

Wisdom Quarterly with
"I'll believe a corporation is a person when Texas executes one."

This American "Empire" is Obstacle to Peace and Justice Here and Abroad
The October 2011 Movement commits to occupying Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. to end US War(s) and Exploitation.

Starting today the October 2011 Movement -- a fusion of peace, social justice, environmental, student, and immigrant rights organizations -- takes to the street to promote solidarity with all pro-peace uprisings around the world.

We recognize that your revolution is our revolution, that American Empire prevents you from achieving self-determination and economic justice, and that only together can we achieve our shared goals.

The October 2011 Movement announced a peaceful action called “Stop The Machine: Create a New World” in a call to action. History is knocking. It has been for weeks (and it has been ten years in the making in Afghanistan). Since then thousands have signed a pledge to be in Washington, DC beginning on October 6 to occupy Freedom Plaza “with the intention of making it our Tahrir Square, Egypt. Our Madison, Wisconsin. Our Wall Street, New York.

We will PEACEFULLY (nonviolently) resist the corporate machine until our national resources are divested from war and exploitation and reinvested in meeting human needs and environmental protections. This is as much about Mother Earth as the life thriving on this planet.

October 2011 intends to bring together Americans concerned about economic injustices, US militarism, and corporate environmental destruction. Let's join in ending concentrated "military-industrial complex" (government-corporate) power. This is a participatory democracy. Power to the people who rules themselves and have the chance to elect actual representatives.

Inspired by the courageous, nonviolent uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Greece, Spain, Libya, Madison, Wall Street, and elsewhere, people in the United States are coming together to form the October2011 Movement. (It was planned long before Occupy Wall Street took to the streets of New York, LA, SF, Boston, Seattle, and elsewhere).

This fusion of peace, social justice, environmental, student, and human rights organizations is in solidarity with all who seek a peaceful, just, and sustainable future. We stand ready to engage in a campaign of pro-peace resistance beginning in Washington, DC today.
We recognize that your revolution is our revolution, that American Empire prevents you from achieving self-determination and economic justice, and that only together can we achieve our shared goals.

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