Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Forgiving Hitlers, Building New World (video)

, Wisdom Quarterly
Classic speech accompanied by new images courtesy of the Lakey sisters

One of the most inspirational speeches in recorded history was given, paradoxically, by a silent movie comedian named Charlie Chaplin. It beckons us to forgive our Hitlers -- Dick Cheney, the Bush Dynasty, B.S. Obama, Rumsfeld, Rove, Goebbels, Bill Gates, Ashcroft, Rice, Hillary, Stalin, Osama, Kaddafi, Thatcher, Saddam, Adolf... A new and better world -- full of fairness, compassion, and solutions -- is not built by opposing the previous bad, but by erecting the present good. Share these inspiring words around the world in many languages. It has been enhanced with new imagery.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very inspirational info. My name is Whit Williams and I live in the Thousand Oaks. I have been attending a group that meets in Santa Monica every Saturday. Tom Shadyac, the world-renown director of such movies as Ace Ventura, Liar,Liar, Bruce Almighty, and several others was our guest speaker. Tom talks about having a life-threating/life-changing event that set him on a quest aroung the world to ask people, who are considered great philosphers, professors, religious leaders, why mankind in the 21st century, lives life with hate and non-cooperation.
    This has the most inspired have been in a long time. Tom has produced a video entitled ""I AM and written a book entitled "Life's Operating Manual". Both are not in public distribution. I would contact "his people" to meet with "your people". Everyone in our global community needs to review all this Good info. The Charlie Chaplin speech is amazing. Please make him aware of this. Great job, you all!
