Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Innovative Occupy LA deal may still be in play

Matthew DeBord (; Wisdom Quarterly; Occupy Together
It's a "Brave New World" at OLA/Good Jobs LA action (Eric Richardson/Blogdowntown). The LAPD promises 72 hours notice before using brute force on activists.

Well, that didn't take long. Just as an innovative deal between the City of LA and Occupy LA protesters -- a deal that would have gotten the protesters off City Hall's lawn and into 10,000 square feet of office space -- was floated, it was criticized.

But it may still be in play.

And if it is, it's consistent with the very enlightened stance Los Angeles has taken toward the Occupy Movement since it set up camp at City Hall almost two months ago.
  • This is from the LA Times: Images of cops in riot gear rousting Occupy encampments across the nation have become ubiquitous in recent weeks, as many cities try to prevent the tent gatherings from becoming troublesome permanent fixtures. But Los Angeles has taken a different tack. More

We do the questioning. We don't like being questioned.

And we have ways of dealing with people we don't like.

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