Monday, November 21, 2011

UC Davis Chancellor's humiliating walk (video)

CC Liu (Wisdom Quarterly)
A full narrated video explains the story after an hours-long impasse. Chancellor Katehi leaves the Surge II Building on the UC Davis campus, accompanied by her husband and the campus minister. (Video by Anna Sturla, HUB reporter; continuing coverage from Blue Devil and Second Alarm).

Torturer Lt. Pike and Police Chief put on leave
Two police agents have been put on administrative leave and investigations have been opened -- one called for by yet-to-resign Chancellor Linda Katehi -- in the wake of police abuse of demonstrators.
Faculty and students have organized a resignation campaign, which the Chancellor has ignored.

The investigation seeks to discover who authorized UC Police Lt. John Pike to brutalize helpless, sitting students who were then dragged away by a paramilitary force from the City of Davis.

Beatings with batons and great bodily injury with projectiles have so far been concentrated on Oakland, Berkeley, and New York. But as US MIC (military-industrial complex) forces escalate their crack down on OM (Occupy Movement) demonstrators, it is only a matter of time before live shots are fired in scenes matching crumbling Egypt's Tahrir Square.

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