Friday, December 2, 2011

Occupy: "Scr*w us and we muliply" (video)

Occupy Los Angeles; Occupy Cal; Wisdom Quarterly

CITY HALL, Los Angeles - The slogan "Make love not war" is something we have all heard. Peace activists believe it. Police, not so much.

So the message the Occupy Movement is sending to them is easy: "Screw us and we multiply."

Given the horrendous winds that blew through Los Angeles, had Police Chief Charlie Beck and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa let things resolve themselves, all the tents would be gone. And they would not look so bad in the prying eyes just behind the mainstream media facade of a picture perfect "peaceful" eviction.

(Dual cam now available at

Stories of abuse, excessive force, and brutality under color of law are emerging with Occupiers emerging from torturous experiences as illegally detained prisoners. The same illegal detention through excessive bail for a misdemeanor offense, which normally only gets a summons to appear and no bail, led to a successful class action suit in New York.

Those firsthand stories will reach the world tonight as the third post-encampment General Assembly gets underway at 7:30 pm, Friday night.


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