Thursday, December 1, 2011

One question: What is "Occupy"? (video)

The writing is on the wall: The Occupy Movement is a global awakening.

For what it's worth
Laura Murphy (
You know the song "For What It's Worth"? Based on the footage I saw the night Occupy Los Angeles was "evicted" by police after being foreclosed by the mayor, we MUST come up with more peaceful, productive ways to assemble.
  • [Maybe if we offered them smart alecs to beat, or paid for protection by buying tickets to the Policeman's Ball, or volunteered to work in banks on the weekends, or beat and injured ourselves to save them the trouble?]
Look at this mayhem. Is it working for anyone? Is it winning the hearts and minds of the 99%, creating positive change or transformation? I'm asking.

I'm trying to understand and learn because the goal is to move in a way that helps without harming. I'm willing to look at solutions from different angles. We need to pause, look at this, and refocus on peaceful ideals.

We need more education about the teachings of Gandhi, MLK Jr., and Thoreau. Let's ask:
  1. Why is there a disconnect between the Occupy Movement and folks who could be on board?
  2. Is the mainstream media even trying to accurately cover the movement?
  3. Where was the alternative media (not handpicked by police to be a part of a small, embedded pool)?
  4. Was the message of defending the right to peaceably assemble lost to police rioting?
  5. Can we switch consciousness to peacefully move forward and be more productive and successful?
  6. What can we do in our individual lives with our bodies to decolonize our minds?
  7. How can we link communities and take actions that unify rather than separate?

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