Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Remembering Pepper Spray Pike (comedy)

Wisdom Quarterly; TheBurningPlatform.com

It just doesn't get old. Lt. John Pike brutalized peaceful college demonstrators at the University of California, Davis. He and one supervisor were suspended. Demands for the school's chancellor to step down became virulent. Such assault would be a felony if he were not wearing a police uniform and engaged in "excessive force" under color of law, which is rarely prosecuted and even more rarely ends in conviction. Pike is being paid and probably being congratulated by his fellows, while quietly being brought back to active duty. But artists have done a great service to humanity to keep the image alive in a mounting number of works of fine art. Here are just a few of our new favorites. See more great memes!

To peaceably assemble and be violently attacked

Okay, now it's old and overdone.

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