Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yeti (Asian Bigfoot) finger discovered; BBC;;; Wisdom Quarterly
The Yeti specimen was recently rediscovered in a British medical museum. In Buddhist cosmology a yakshi is a female ogre or demon.

The Curious Case of the Severed Yeti Finger
Hill, who first encountered the specimen while perusing a collection of human and primate skeletons at the College's Museum [asked himself,] "What was the story behind this finger, I wondered, and how did it end up in London? Where was the rest of the ‘Pangboche hand'? And what truth was there behind the label's claim that this finger belonged to the Yeti of ancient legend?" Hill unravelled a long and winding history with wealthy American oilmen funding Nepalese expeditions to investigate Yetis; a secluded Buddhist Monastery, hidden away in a remote Himalayan mountain range that once housed not only the Yeti finger, but an entire hand...

In 1974, Lap Kadoma -- the wife of a Nepalese Sherpa -- had a close encounter with a Yeti. The legendary cryptid, Kadoma would later recount, had managed to sneak up on her from behind before heaving her into a river. When Kadoma regained consciousness, she found the bodies of several dead yaks strewn nearby.

Kadoma's account of her encounter with a Meh-te, or "Man-bear," as Yetis are known in Nepal, may sound far fetched. But reports like hers are common in the Himalayan regions of Nepal and Tibet, where legends of the mythical creature have been passed down for generations. Far less common, by comparison, is physical evidence for the Yetis' existence.

One such specimen, known to curators at the Royal College of Surgeons' Hunterian Museum in London as the "Yeti's finger," was recently re-discovered... More

The Daily Mail backed the Yeti Everest Expedition in 1954, where a team of scientists managed to track several trails of giant footprints on their trek.


  • 1925: Photographer N.A. Tombazi, with the Royal Geographical Society, reported seeing a creature and its prints near the Zemu Glacier on Kanchenjunga (Mountain, Nepal).
  • 1953: Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reported seeing large footprints while climbing Mount Everest, Nepal.
  • 1972: A Yeti attack on the wife of a Sherpa was reported.
  • 2011: Kemerovo State University in Russia is setting up a research institute to look into the growing number of reports of Yeti sightings in Siberia, 15 in the last year.

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