Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The REAL Mayan Calendar

Dharmacharis Seven and Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly (HUMAN TIME)
"Differing from the cyclical cosmological-historical time concepts of [the Maya in America,] the early Greeks in Europe, and the Indians and others in Asia, the Judeo-Christian...concept is linear..." [and taints our sciences] - Dr. Cremo.

The Maya had many calendars. The long count is the least useful but the most interesting. Given to them by space aliens interested in cosmological time, astronomy, and astrology, it counted time in 26,000 year cycles.

The pyramids themselves were calendars.

And these are literal cycles as described in the ancient Vedic accounting of time (inherited by Buddhism and later by Hinduism) in great aeons (maha kalpas), ordinary aeons (kalpas), and aeons of indeterminate length (asamkhya kalpas), epochs (manvantaras), and ages (yugas).

The boredom is so great with the slow moving gears of cosmic time that the world is distracted by the much more colorful and complicated Aztec Calendar, a later creation following the fall of the Mayan Empire. It is the universally recognized "Mayan Calendar," which it is not.

Neither calendar "ends" but only clicks away to the next age. The day after Dec. 21, 2012 will not be the end of the world so much as the end of an age. The day after the 13th ends is the day the 14th begins in sidereal time. And the baktuns roll on.

"Hindu historical literatures, particularly the Puranas and Itihasas, place human existence in the context of repeating time cycles called yugas and kalpas, lasting hundreds of millions of years. During this entire time, according to the Puranic accounts, humans coexisted with creatures in some ways resembling the earlier toolmaking hominids of modern evolutionary accounts" (mcremo.com).

Ancient Vedic and Puranic units of time span from the paramáńu (17 microseconds) to the mahamanvantara (311.04 trillion years). It is revealed in the Vedas that the expansion (creation) and contraction (destruction) of the cosmos, or a world-system (a universe in the multiverse, a solar system, a dimension, a "ten thousandfold world system," or perhaps a galaxy) is a cyclical process within cyclical processes.

"Outside of the three planetary systems, the four yugas multiplied by one thousand comprise one day on the planet of Brahma. A similar period comprises a night of Brahma, in which the creator of the universe goes to sleep."
The timespan of the universe (a maha kalpa which lasts from another rebirth and expansion) is 311.04 trillion years by foolishly rigid Western reckoning. After this time there will be a complete destruction (redeath) of the universe over the same period of time (311.04 trillion years). This cycle repeats endlessly.

The best explanation we have been presented with comes from Dr. Michael Cremo, America's "forbidden archeologist," in his A Vedic Conception of Time.

Mayan Calendar (erates.co.cc).

In Buddhism Great Brahma is the first karmically-reborn being at the beginning of a world system. This is the dawn of a new world period.

But this brahma is by no means the "creator" of either the universe or time -- even if It mistakenly concludes that that must b
e so.

But the first must be the Prime Mover, the Causeless Cause, we surmise; never mind that countless world periods have gone before and that impersonal karma is running the show since beginningless time.

This world is very old (16.4 billion years according to the Maya). "Modern" human beings have been around for many millions of years coexisting with other ("primitive") human species and varieties.

The scientific evidence tells us so, but the "knowledge filterers" prevent anyone from hearing the evidence. Our indoctrination into the now unquestionable Darwin-Wallace theory of evolution keeps us from even thinking in these terms.

We think we understand evolution. Creationism is certainly wrong. So everything that is not strictly in line with evolutionary theory must be creationism or intelligent design. Both are wrong, and both have something to say. The truth is far stranger, and the evidence for it comes from any fields beyond archeology.

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