Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Space Alien DNA and Skull found (video)

Lloyd Pye (StarchildProject.com), Coast to Coast, March 5, 2012

"Starchild" Alien Skull Update

Researcher Lloyd Pye has an update on the Starchild Skull -- an anomalous alien (or alien-human hybrid). The 900-year-old bone skull was found in Mexico in the 1930s. Although it is called Starchild, the skull actually belonged to an adult. This was confirmed by its teeth, which are considerably worn. DNA testing of the skull has uncovered 56 differences between it and humans -- far more differences than are found between humans and other animals, Pye reports. For more details on the DNA tests, see in-depth essay:
The Process: Physical Evidence (1/12), starts at 6:33

A Fragment of the Starchild’s FOXP2 Gene is Recovered:

A New Partial Analysis Of DNA Reinforces That Absolute Proof Can Be Obtained To Confirm The Starchild Skull Is Not Human
For 13 years we at the Starchild Project have known the Starchild Skull came from a being that was not entirely human, if human at all. First, it shares no physical characteristics with a normal human skull...

Nature actually functions by strict rules that confine life to well-defined boundaries outlined by the unique genetic code of each species....

[T]he human genome does contain slight variations. Tiny Pygmies and tall Watusis are black Africans with stark physical differences, yet both tribes are unmistakably human. [But] the flexibility does not go beyond certain points. Something is either human or it isn’t. There is no in-between. More

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