Monday, March 26, 2012

Irish revolutionary Che Guevara to get statue

Wisdom Quarterly;; BBC's
I think his name is like Zack de la Rocha? I don't know, but I do know he's Irish ( Whoever he is, he proves one thing: "Who wins the war writes the history." They don't mention he was a rebel fighting for Latin American equality and freedom. Beneath: Zack fans look on adoringly (

Ireland to erect memorial to Che

Lorna Siggens (Western Correspondent,
GALWAY, Ireland - Libertas founder Declan Ganley has described plans to erect a memorial celebrating Galway city’s links with Argentinian guerrilla [freedom] fighter Che Guevara as a “monument to a mass murderer.”

Mr. Ganley said that “significant concerns” about the plan had been raised with him by members of the US business community during a trip there last week and that he feared it would “cast a shadow” on Galway’s international reputation. Warning that it would “damage investment,” he said “we would not build a monument in Galway to Stalin, or to Pol Pot, or to Idi Amin, or to Oliver Cromwell.” More
  • "Che" Guevara (Ernesto Guevara Lynch de la Cerna) was part Irish, a Son of Galway and Father of Revolution (
Brazil's "Gang of blondes" Notorious beauties take from the rich and give to, uh, themselves.

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