Tuesday, March 13, 2012

US, UK plans for Iran; Israel is loose cannon

() Nov. 3, 2011 British officials are reportedly working on a plan to assist US forces in a pre-emptive attack on Iranian military facilities. It follows claims Washington DC is moving towards a policy of invasion and intervention on the pretext of fear that Tehran might some day develop a nuclear weapons program -- something Iran has always denied. Political analyst Chris Bambery believes instead that it is the prospect of economic ruin that is motivating the old elite into action.

The UN nuclear watchdog published a report in Nov. 2011 suggesting Iran has built a nuclear testing facility and will show satellite images to prove it. (The same kind of doctored photos was enough to get into a war on Iraq that continues to this day even amidst cut-and-run talk of withdrawal when facts show a permanent US privatized-war presence). These allegations also come amid reports of possible military action against the country's nuclear facilities. The Israeli president said, when it comes to Iran, "the international community is closer to finding a military solution than a diplomatic one." RT talks to Patrick Henningsen, editor of the Infowars.com foreseeing actions against Iran which could inflame the whole geopolitical Middle East.

Iran stands firm on its nuclear power program in the face of new economic sanctions, explains the country's president. Tehran denied it was developing atomic weapons, as "suggested" in the latest report by a the IAEA, an international nuclear watchdog organization. Israel speaks of potential military action against Iran -- raising fears the IAEA's findings are being twisted to concoct a pretext to attack. John Glaser, an assistant editor at AntiWar.com, says the US is constantly pushing Iran to create a nuclear bomb. By scaring and provoking it, the US gives itself an excuse to illegally invade, occupy, and exploit its resources. More

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