Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"When We Grow...[Weed]" (film)

WhenWeGrow; Pat Macpherson and Wisdom Quarterly urban shamans/organic gardeners
() A film by Seth Finegold presented by Luke Bailey

Hemp is a miracle. Marijuana is a drug. Unfortunately, people think they are the same thing. Cannabis is a plant, a medicine, but propaganda makes us fear it. This is by deception and design not by nature. Ignorance is easy to cure with information. But fear lingers. And the laws instituted to protect oil and criminalize/demonize hemp are not nullified by having our eyes opened.
  • WARNING: Consuming cannabis or encouraging others to consume it with the intention of getting high or, even without that intention, if it leads to heedlessness/carelessness, is breaking the fifth precept. The virtue manifested as the basic Five Precepts is essential to realizing enlightenment. Recreational drugs and alcohol are the way to delusion and self-deception.
Why did they -- those hired by the powers that be who grow obscenely rich at the expense of the planet and its populations -- prompt our destructive trade in petrochemicals like pharmaceuticals and plastics and environmentally degrading "fossil" fuels like oil and coal?

THC is an exaggerated, bred in, addictive, and largely destructive drug. But cannabis and hemp have much more important components than THC. There are cannabinoids, such as those Harborside Health Center makes sure are present at levels as high or higher than THC because they are what makes this plant-medicine spiritual. Few speak of them.

featured in a CNN segment with Dan
Simon on Measure F, a special
cannabis tax in Oakland, California.

"When We Grow...This Is What We Can Do" is an educational documentary concerning the facts about cannabis. This feature-length documentary explores everything from industrial hemp to medicinal cannabis, from the origins of "marijuana" prohibition to the legality of weed growing equipment.
  • The film features interviews with: Prof. David Nutt (Head of the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs), Peter Reynolds (Head of CLEAR UK, formerly the Legalize Cannabis Alliance), and Sarah Martin (medicinal cannabis patient). Find out more at blogtopus.tv. (Copyright questions: blogtopuscontent@gmail.com).
() Medical Marijuana Botany: PBS production "Botany of Desire" based on a book by scientific journalist Michael Pollan

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