Friday, April 13, 2012

The Awareness Film Festival (May 3-6); Wisdom Quarterly
"2012: Time for Change" was one of the many progressive films that debuted at the Awareness Festival in past years. See the 2012 selections.

The Awareness Film Festival (May 3-6) is a special annual cinematic event that promotes awareness of today’s issues through the timeless art of filmmaking.

A fusion of filmmakers, artists, environmentalists, educators, alternative health practitioners, and industry professionals, the Awareness Film Festival aims to inspire the public to make the world a better place through this uniquely engaging and entertaining annual event in the film capital of the world, Los Angeles.
() BACK TO EDEN shows that after years of back breaking toil in ground ravaged by the effects of man-made growing systems, Paul Gautschi discovered a taste of what "God" [the extraterrestrials who terraformed Earth, tilted the planet to give it seasons, set its main artificial satellite in place, and genetically manipulated its creatures as well as saving them from time to time] intended for humankind in the Garden of Eden, [the original ecological paradise the ETs set up]. Modern agricultural issued faced today include soil preparation, fertilization, irrigation, weed control, pest control, crop rotation, and PH issues. None of these issues exist in the unaltered state of nature or in Paul's gardens and orchards. "Back to Eden" invites us to take a walk with Paul as he teaches you sustainable organic growing methods that are capable of being implemented in diverse climates.

The festival is an annual fundraiser that benefits the non-profit organization Heal One World. This LA-based foundation offers alternative treatments to low-income and underserved demographics.

Heal One World seeks to educate people about preventative healthcare, non-traditional/complementary modalities, natural non-invasive treatments and self-help techniques for the body, mind, and soul [the unseen spirit aspects of the self that express motivation and purpose].

EGYPT: THE STORY BEHIND THE REVOLUTION tries to tell the story of how the impossible happened [as if an 18-day citizens' uprising caused the downfall of a despot friendly to the West rather than the West betraying a puppet dictator it propped up, supported, and abandoned when it was convenient to do so]. Filmed primarily in Egypt in March 2011, soon after the January revolution, this film introduces Egyptians who lived under Mubarak and helped to bring him down. Included are interviews with many young revolutionaries fighting for a new Egypt. Activists explain their reasons for taking to the streets to call for freedom and reforms asking for Mubarak's resignation.

Film categories include: green and eco-friendly living, alternative fuels, veterans’ issues, animal awareness, political topics, preserving nature, alternative healing options, stories of hope, healthcare issues, the arts, spirituality, and much more. More

  • Regent Showcase Theatre, 614 N. La Brea Ave., LA, CA 90036
  • Macha Theatre, 1107 N. Kings Rd., West Hollywood, CA 90069
  • Heal One World, 3503 West Pico Blvd., LA, CA 90019

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