Friday, April 20, 2012

Going blind from viewing hardcore PORN

(New York Daily News, April 19, 2012),
Hardcore porn may not be good for aroused women's sore eyes (Daily-Afternoon-Epicness). 
Triple X-cited women may go blind; new study reveals hardcore porn not beneficial to aroused females.

It turns out watching porn can make you go blind after all. A new sex study shows that watching hardcore erotic films reduces blood flow to the visual cortex of healthy, heterosexual women, blurring their eyesight.

Dr. Gert Holstege, a uroneurologist for the University of Groningen Medical Centre in the Netherlands, said the results suggest that when watching naughty flicks, a sexual arousal takes precedence over anxiety in a women’s eyes.

Censored and blinded ( cards)
If you look, for example, at your computer and you have to write something or whatever, then you have to look specifically and carefully at what you’re doing because if you don’t, it means you make mistakes,” Holstege told

“But the moment you are watching explicit sexual movies, that’s not necessary, because you know exactly what’s going on. It’s not important that the door is green or yellow.”

A dozen research participants, all on hormonal birth control, were shown three movies: a documentary on Caribbean marine life, a soft-core porn flick, and a hard-core one.

Using PET scans to peek inside the women’s brains, researchers noted a drop in blood flow to the visual cortex when the participants were watching the hard-core movies, Holstege said.

The research results were published this month in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

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