Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Occupy May Day (livestream video)

OccupyMay1st.org; Occupy Los Angeles; Occupy Oakland; Occupy Movement
May Day is the International Workers' Day, which originated in the US but is almost unknown here. The rest of the world, however, is awake and agitating for justice.
The Plan
Spring is here. For May 1st Occupy Los Angeles is organizing around a “Four Winds” People’s Power Car and Bike Caravan.

It will travel through the urban sprawl of Los Angeles and culminate in direct action in and around the Financial District of downtown LA. 

People from all sectors of the city have a chance to plug into the routes from any corner of the city, helping shut down the flow of capital while addressing the 99%’s major grievances.
These four caravans, beginning at 10:00 am, will be coming from the north, south, east, and west as an amalgam of cars and bikes, occupiers and unions, community organizations and organic (grassroots) community groups.

They will be taking to the streets on routes designed to bring to light society's ills past and present.

May Day engages residents and connects the variety of voices, races, classes, and nationalities that make up Los Angeles. 

The caravans will stop at flashpoints along the way. Flash occupations, food giveaways, and other direct actions addressing the foreclosure crisis and police brutality will be undertaken. These flashpoints aim to become a slow, city-paralyzing, carnival-esque movement toward the center of the city. More

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