Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Brains are cool! (Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor)

Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor (; Wisdom Quarterly
Dr. Jill "Brain Eye to Eye" (Kip May)
The Brain Extravaganza! was launched in Bloomington, Indiana, in April 2012. Brains, brains, brains! Big beautiful anatomically correct brains with 12 pairs of cranial nerves and all the gyri and sulci one could ever want.
There are 22 enormous fiberglass brains (5 feet long, 5 feet high, and 4 feet wide) in the hands of the artists who painted/decorated them for the extravaganza. This thrills Dr. Jill's heart, she explains.
Every brain will have a sign attached. On the sign will read five facts about the brain and a special question. Download a really cool mobile app at to paint your own brain. Then compare it to other brains, upload the image to Facebook [so the government can get a copy for your file], and talk brains, brains, brains. "YaY! Brains are cool!" the doctor and author of My Stroke of Insight insists. More

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