Sunday, June 17, 2012

Can Men and Women be just friends? (audio)

Text: Linda Holmes, Monkey See (; Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly
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It's a question that kicks around endlessly without resolution: Can men and women really be just friends? [The answer depends on your sex.]
On Weekend Edition Sunday, NPR's Rachel Martin talks to Faith Salie and Mario Correa, hosts of WNYC's RelationShow, about it.
As it happens, Faith and Mario are friends, but they put that down in part to the fact that Faith is straight and Mario is gay.
They describe some research that makes them think perhaps platonic friendship between straight men and women is NOT, in fact, really possible.
Some of the research indicates that men, in particular, are somewhat likely to both report some level of attraction to their female friends and to believe their female friends feel some level of attraction to them.
Now, I will make a confession... But I am always willing to listen to [scientific] research.... More
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