Saturday, June 2, 2012

MIC's cyber war; Teens tired of Facebook

Text: Jessica Guynn and Ryan Faughnder, LA Times, May 30, 2012; Wisdom Quarterly
For some youngsters the novelty has worn off. Adults are being burned by Facebook stock and lawsuits. And now it seems (pro-FBI) non-CIA-aligned media are interested in oppositional stories (

SAN FRANCISCO - For teens, it has been an essential rite of passage: They turn 13 and join Facebook.

Since she signed up three years ago, friend requests and status updates are as much a part of Meera Kumar's life as homework and exams at Menlo School, the elite private institution in leafy Atherton, California, where she's a 16-year-old sophomore.

But when her kid sister Anika turned 13 last year, she gave Facebook a pass."

I guess I haven't been that interested in it," said Anika, who prefers sharing photos with friends on Instagram via her iPhone or video chatting with them on Google+. Could Facebook be losing its cool? More

"Flame" and homeland spying by US (MIC)
(NPR) ...The New York Times reported that former Pres. George W. Bush and B.S. Obama both authorized computer-virus attacks against Iran, culminating in the Stuxnet virus. They secretly and illegally targeted Iranian nuclear power plants. A United Nations agency raised alarms about another [spying] virus that escaped onto the W.W.W., dubbed "Flame," which may also have been designed for use against Iran. The Flame virus was highlighted in a cyber security alert issued by the International Telecommunication Union (I.T.U.), whose cyber security coordinator says his organization noticed some malicious software spreading around the Middle East... More

[US war machine] takes cyberwarfare to new level
(CNET) [The Military-Industrial Complex through its proxy and representative] President Barack [Soetoro] Obama has been fighting a clandestine cyberwar against foreign governments and [the make believe] al-Qaeda, and his efforts in that arena have far exceeded those of his predecessors [such as Cheney/Bush], according to a new report. The New York Times today published a wide-ranging report, adapted from an upcoming book, Confront and Conceal: Obama's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power, by Times reporter David Sanger... More

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