Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Dharma Maps" at Against the Stream

What is enlightenment? Bodhi, in Pāli and Sanskrit, is often translated as “enlightenment.” 
A better translation might be “to awake, become aware, notice, know, understand.” What does it mean to become awake? How do I wake up, become enlightened?
Dharma maps are descriptions of the path to enlightenment, strategies, step-by-step guides for organizing insight practice toward the (non) goal of enlightenment.
There many such maps, perhaps as many as there are teachers. Which works for us? This course will look at them as if portions of the Requisites of Enlightenment were independent maps:
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment, Sixteen Stages of Insight, Four Stages of Enlightenment, Ten Fetters... The course will also look at the work of the commentaries and
This is an intermediate level course and will explore insight practice using guided-meditation. Everyone who is comfortable sitting two 30-minute guided meditations per class is welcome.
  • Dharma Maps: An 8-Week Series
  • Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 pm
  • June 7, 14, 28, July 5, 12, 19, 26, and August 2.
  • Cost: $20 per evening. Some scholarships and work study available. No one is turned away for lack of funds. More
George Haas, who is from Manhattan, began sitting vipassana at Ordinary Dharma in Venice and reading extensively. In 1998, he began study with his current teacher, Shinzen Young, and Vipassana Support International, where he is now a senior facilitator.

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