Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Show Me Your Papers, Ese (comics)

Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
How our dictators justify killing. "This Modern World" by Tom Tomorrow (East Bay Express)
In "Show Me Your Papers, Comrade" we pointed out how the US was more and more becoming a police state.
A police state is all about authoritarian control -- where we go, what we do, whom we associate with, what is said, and ultimately what we think.
The worst offense in Nineteen Eighty-Four's dystopia was "thought crime." If one even seems to be thinking a radical thought, one is hauled into the Ministry of Love and violently and painfully re-educated, sometimes to death.
If the Bush Family wants Obama, should we?
Sure, why should people who live in the "Land of the Free" (that's what we Americans are told is the other name of our country) not be asked for papers and passports to step over into Canada or Mexico? But now there are border checks at every state line. There are "sobriety" checks whenever police feel like it. There are wanton "stop and frisk" policy violation, but no one cares if most of the people complaining are black and brown.
Now the Supreme Court has let stand a small but significant portion of Arizona's draconian anti-undesirable statutes. The "Show Me Your Papers, Ese" portion targets Latinos throughout Arizona and copycat states.
The police are merely asking a question, we are told. The fact is they are being put in a position to lie while engaging in racial profiling, stopping, frisking, and detaining those the law (blind Lady Justice) presumes to be innocent. They might be guilty of something. Then police look for that something, anything, in violation of every freedom we once took for granted.
But it's not happening to us (yet), so what do we care?
Thank you, Obama. You have made the Bush Dynasty and your cousin Dick Cheney very proud to have voted for an ostensibly black president.

The allowance is rife for police abuse and civil rights violations.
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange goes to Eucador Embassy for help.

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