Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer 2012 begins!

Surya the Sun (CBS)

Earth as a 121-megapixel snapshot from 22,369 miles up (Russian satellite Electro-L No. 1)
Amazing Earth!
(Mashable) We’ve seen Earth, but we’ve never seen it like this. Suomi NPP, NASA’s newest Earth-watching satellite, has taken a high-res image of the third planet from the Sun... And it’s available at a resolution of 8000×8000 pixels.
The World's Final Summer
Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
Not having been... once having been...
Notice that according to the calendar, the "end of the world" is a Friday night? People will party like it's 1999, except it'll be Year 0 - 1 (year zero minus one), final day, zero hour. Midnight will hit. People will hold their breath. And suddenly, with lots of warning, it will be December 22, 2012. The ancestral Maya will say, "It's what we've been trying to tell you! All the hubbub was nothing more than speculative calculations and interpretations by non-Mayans. After all, the Mayan Calendar has ended lots of times." And with that, people will sleep. And things will carry on. So with all that excitement in the offing, it's time to make the most of summer break. Climb a mountain, read a sutra, notice a nimitta. For as many arhats have figured out, "Not having been, they come to be; once having been, they cease." They? Phenomena, things, composite entities (animate and inanimate), even those closest to us -- the constituents of being (becoming). Everything is hurtling towards destruction. Is that not reason enough to strive for real safety, namely, nirvana?

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