Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Funny "Sick Sad World" (comedy)

Allana Bennett "You're Standing On My Neck" (; Wisdom Quarterly
Beyond Comedy Central: actress, genius, and comedienne Sarah Silverman, a real flesh and blood "Daria," may get her own NBC network show (Reuters/Fred Prouser).

My mother used to beg me to turn the channel halfway through a Daria marathon. “Her voice is irritating,” she would say. “It’s just so monotonous.” And it was. I completely saw her point, but my feelings on the matter were beyond the voice at that point. Daria Morgendorfer was my id.
I was a much more idealistic teenager than Daria. In fact, I was (gasp) an optimist. And I still am.
VIDEO compilation: Sick Sad World ("Daria," MTV)
But when you’re a teenager, especially the particular brand that spent her formative years curled up in front of a television set, you seek out characters that speak to a more hidden part of you -- the part that wishes she had the gumption to say half the things that regularly came out of Daria’s mouth. Watching Daria was like getting a... More

The New Sarah Silverman Show
Tim Malloy,
NEW YORK - There's a long tradition of edgy comedians sanding down their edges as they try to make themselves generically likable enough to score network sitcoms. Sarah Silverman is NOT  part of that tradition. With NBC soon to decide whether to give her a show in the fall, the "Sarah Silverman Program" star made a joke [about "aborting" a burrito in her belly, tweeted some pictures, and ran afoul of the dreaded Drudge Report. Daria might have said the same thing if MTV writers had been that sharp.] More

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