Friday, June 1, 2012

The World's Secret GOLD Supply (audio)

David Wilcock, Awaken to the; Wisdom Quarterly;
Another installment in our ongoing quest to reveal WHY THINGS REALLY HAPPEN

Luminary "Edgar Cayce" -- reborn as David Wilcock ( -- reacts, cries in a panic, to a serious death threat because he has revealed a lynchpin in how the world's economy secretly operates.

CONTEXT: Benjamin Fulford is making revelations. There is an alliance of 117 nations now aligned against the "Illuminati," which most people are either not aware of or do not believe exists. They are the secret political leadership of the G-5 countries. Formerly controlled countries are pulling their power back. And the Illluminati has a plan to assert draconian control. How?

By eliminating the gold standard, countries will be left with easily manipulated "fiat currencies," money that has nothing backing it but the whim of its temporary leaders. Why is gold so dangerous? As it turns out gold was once the standard, and so it continued for centuries. But this left Asian countries, particularly China, holding 80% or more of the gold.

Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations said that if nations hold gold, they are a risk to rest of the world. The gold has to be kept out of the international market. This is the "biggest" economic secrecy. Wealth (in terms of fiat currency) is created with value relative to its economic output.

The British empire, secretly run by the Rothschilds working as a proxy, carried out this Adam Smith economic plan. The gold collected in Asia due to its very desirable high-quality products. How to get the gold away from China? Japan was co-opted to become an imperial force to loot the wealth of other Asian nations for the benefit of the world order as dictated by the banks.

"The Bank of International Settlements" was created in 1921 along with a very secret plan with Emperor Hirohito in London.

The Plan
All the gold in the world would be confiscated and put under deposit secretly. China was invaded and plundered, first by murderous bandits then systematically by Japanese Army soldiers. There are two million tons of gold on deposit held by the Bank of International Settlements and the private US Federal Reserve Bank, Inc.

The value of this gold (according to the spot price of gold in December 2011 according to Wilcock's calculations) is worth 11 million trillion US dollars. Gold is not scarce as we are told, anymore than diamonds or oil are. There is a hidden gold supply. Gold has already been taken. Why Fulford has kept many of the details of the biggest secret is unknown, but Wilcock is revealing them now as quickly as possible.

Bonds were issued for the gold by the Federal Reserve, seven US battleship's worth, according to the 1944 Brenton Woods Agreement. There is a facility, according to an insider speaking to Wilcock, with a mile-long hall leading to rooms the size of a basketball gymnasium with gold stacked floor to ceiling. The lie is that, according to Wikipedia, there is only 120,000 tons of officially recognized gold in the world. The actual number is over 2,000,000 tons.

The value of two million tons of gold is over eleven-million-trillion dollars. This is the secret collateral backing the fiat "bubble" money of the world. The fiat money system cannot be defeated; no one can rise up against it because the gold, which would serve as the standard, is protected.
  • [Buddhist lore says such treasure is protected by nagas, "dragons," "serpents," or reptilian-human hybrids, the central figures of reverence in China and among the Illuminati.]
Things get stranger: JFK was going to issue metal-based money. That would go against the long-standing plans. Those in charge -- the banksters, movers, and shakers unknown -- would not tolerate it. He was killed three days later.

The Chinese sued for the return of their gold and won! Winning took place in the Hague in 1998 in the United Nations in a secret trial. The 60 year term of the charter expired in 1994, but the Federal Reserve said no to returning the gold even having lost. This led to another trial and a settlement. The money was to be returned on September 12th, 2001. However, the day before was 9/11.

So part of the reason for the 9/11 deception was to destroy WTC Building 7, which was never struck by a plane but nevertheless collapsed (was brought down using energy weaponry and controlled demolition) under which the gold was kept. The gold vault was emptied, according to Benjamin Fulford, and nothing else happened until another lawsuit against the Federal Reserve forced the transfer from US hands to the Chinese.

The Chinese?
But what was shipped to the Chinese was electro gold-plated tungsten, which was essentially worthless. The "Chinese" are NOT the communists in power today. It refers to the deposed party under Chiang Kai-Shek called the Kuomintang (KMT) that fled to Taiwan, Indonesia, the Philippines, and elsewhere.

The KMT got the fake gold. They retaliated by organizing an international alliance that caused the collapsing of the dollar and many American corporations. This was the 2008 financial collapse. Moreover, in the aftermath, TARP was created to bail everyone out. Money was created out of thin air delaying plans.

But the next part of plan is the China October Surprise. And there is a lawsuit by the alliance of 117 nations (now 122) mentioned to begin with. This much was revealed in the first 26 minutes of the interview.

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