Thursday, June 28, 2012

Zen Wisdom from Other Dimensions (video); Wisdom Quarterly

Wynn Free has been in conversation with a voice that says it (they) created the universe. Download the free book. How could Free determine if they are who they say? Moreover, how can we can determine it for ourselves? As Free suggests, instead of "believing" anything, let us simply be open to the possibility. As we explore the work, read the material, and listen to conference calls, we will be exposed to a new way of understanding the universe Free calls "Zen wisdom" from other dimensions.
Some may have feelings of unusually positive energy or tingling in the body. Is it them making contact? Who better to decide than the one experiencing such positivity? Many on the conference calls have had healings and life-transforming experiences. Here are their testimonials. If this is real, it is an epic event for times predicted by the Mayan Calendar. A good place to start might be watching the short videos on topics and issues concerning the challenges of being human at this time in history from their point of view.
The video messages are direct transcripts from the Sources communicating as taken from live public conference calls.  
  • The Elohim Group, like Abraham-Hicks (from "The Secret" and Ask And It Is Given fame) and the less well known Galexis, are a group of higher-order beings (brahmas). They make the claim that they are the original creators of the physical universe.
  • These are in addition to The Ra Group comprised of billions of graduates from this realm (off the wheel of rebirth by being reborn onto a longer lasting plane that seems unending (but is, according to the Buddha, also impermanent not that the beings there know it). This group act as an interdimensional team helping planetary populations still stuck on the wheel of rebirth (in lower worlds) evolve and graduate. 
  • Ra'An is the Source currently answering questions on conference lines, a name they say is a conglomerate of the other two groups.
They channel into this dimension from Free's helpers, Daphne and Terry, women with remarkable past lives. Free's most significant contribution and how Wisdom Quarterly came to know him was not through this "intention" work, channeling, or saving the planet. It was through his work publicizing the rebirth of the great American psychic Edgar Cayce, now reborn as David Wilcock. More

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