Monday, July 16, 2012

Obon Fest: Orange County Buddhist Church

Orange County Buddhist Church (

Obon festivities (lifetourist79)
Obon is a Japanese Buddhist celebration honoring the dead. Zen tradition holds that Obon season, much like the West's Halloween or All Hallow's Eve, means a thinner veil between the worlds. Hungry ghosts (pretas) are appeased and fed, ancestors are honored, and respect is given to all who have passed. The celebration in the human world within the precincts of a Zen temple are joyous. There is line dancing (Obon Odori), feasting, and merriment. This past weekend was celebrated in Altadena at the large Japanese cultural center on Glen Ave. An even larger even is planned for the Asian Buddhist community of Orange County. All are welcome to participate in tea ceremonies, Taiko drumming, games and prizes, and an introduction to Japanese Buddhism. More

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