Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9-11's "Loose Change," "In Plane Sight" (video)

("Loose Change Final Cut" 9/11 documentary); Wisdom Quarterly

The long awaited 9/11 documentary is now available to the public through the Internet and on DVD. Loose Change (loosechange911.com) once viewed by millions interested in the truth of 9/11 will finally blow the lid off the most spectacular crime of our lives. The truth is unimaginable for those who investigate without the bias that it has to be one way or another. Let the facts speak for themselves. We have been lied to by the military-industrial complex long enough. So ask questions, and demand answers.

() And now our feature presentation (Running time 02.10)

This movie has become the catalyst for an independent investigation, one during which family members receive answers to their questions and the real perpetrators be held to account for not only creating false flag operations but for using them as a now customary pretext for offensive wars and imperial escapades.

September 11th explanations disagree with the widely-accepted account that the attacks were perpetrated by a make believe CIA organization calling itself "al-Qaeda" without detailed advanced knowledge by any government agency. These explanations arose because of what proponents see as inconsistencies in the official propaganda and evidence that was overlooked. 
In a 2008 global poll that included 17 countries, 46% of those surveyed believed "al-Qaeda" was responsible for the attacks, whereas 15% believed it was an inside job by the U.S. government, 7% believed Israel was to blame, and another 7% believed some other perpetrator was responsible. The poll found that respondents in the Middle East were especially likely to name a perpetrator other than "al-Qaeda." Could the truth be that a "shadowy government," as Sen. Dan Inouye referred to it, was actually the culprit -- rather than the ordinary government that helped cover up the operation?

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