Saturday, September 15, 2012

Porn King paying to see Romney taxes

Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly
"He wants to see what? Ha, I'd sooner appear in his mag!" "But he's offering a mil." "Uh-oh."
Hustler's Larry Flynt offers $1 million for Romney's tax return
"Oh, Moroni, what wouldn't I do to win?"
The only guy worse than war-mongering Pres. Barry Soetoro Obama is Republican candidate Willard "Mittens" Romney (whose moniker "Mittromney" sounds an awful lot like Mormonism's namesake Maroni to us).
Golden Angel Moroni with horn
But conservatives seem to have been seduced into backing the only candidate among many colorful personalities sure to lose against a popular incumbent. Money rules in American politics, but not personal fortunes or we'd have an ex-president Perot.

What matters is how much a candidate can get the military-industrial complex (the marriage of the War Department and private corporate interests). Romney is said to be an out of touch quarter-billionaire, but he is aiming much higher as he tries to give the USA the old Bain Capital treatment.
Not if porn king Larry Flynt has his way! The publisher of the hardcore magazine Hustler is offering a million dollars to anyone who will show him Romney's old tax returns. What does that mean? That means a great big bargaining chip for old accountants who can easily get $2,000,000 from Romney to keep such financial information secret. How far Mittens has descended from his proud Mexican father who, as a former candidate, showed years of tax returns to silence critics.

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