Thursday, October 11, 2012

Occupy? "#ReGeneration" (film)

Produced by Anonymous Content's Matt DeRoss and Engine 7 Films' Joel and Jeremy Goulder. Directed by Phillip Montgomery.
( This is the award-winning documentary film that explores the galvanizing forces behind the Occupy Movement and the state of social activism among today's youth. 
Narrated by Ryan Gosling, the film features leading social movement experts including Noam Chomsky, Adbusters' Kalle Lasn, the late "people's historian" Howard Zinn, Amy Goodman, as well as influential cultural activists including Talib Kweli with an original score by Sound Tribe Sector 9 (STS9). #ReGENERATION #ThisisanUPRISING.

This is an Uprising! Get involved at for exclusive content and info about theatrical screenings in your area this spring. #ReGENERATION. Host a screening @ Join the conversation on Facebook: ReGENERATIONthemovie.
Distraction Media
How We Are Controlled

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