Monday, October 1, 2012

Pepper sprayed students to get $1 million+

ABC News via Yahoo!; Wisdom Quarterly

The University of California regents will pay about $1 million to 21 UC Davis current and former students who were pepper-sprayed during a peaceful campus protest last November.
A video of the incident that went viral shows an officer casually walking up to and aiming a thick stream of the [carcinogenic] spray directly into the faces of [peacefully] seated [demonstrating] students at close range during an Occupy rally. The incident triggered outrage and an investigation by the university.
In the settlement, each student who filed suit will each receive $30,000 and a handwritten apology from UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi.
Student Ian Lee was a freshman when he was pepper sprayed.
"The reason we were protesting was that the university has proposed unfair and unreasonable tuition hikes," Lee said.
In addition, the university system has agreed to $250,000 for the students' legal fees. Lee said he plans to use all of the money to pay future tuition. More

What's to happen to criminal cop John Pike?
The UC will lose $1.25 million, but all of this was caused by one man -- Lt. John Pike. What will happen to him? Will it be deducted from his pay, future earnings, will he pay his "debt to society" in a cell? He brutalized students. He inspired a meme. He brought disrepute on the UC. And he walks away unscathed? The Huffington Post reports he "no longer works" as a UC cop, but no one is saying if he was fired or quit.

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