Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Topless protesters say No to Rape (video); Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly UPDATED
Catholic nun joins topless protest (
Yesterday [Oct. 15, 2012], topless FEMEN ACTIVISTS protested against the impunity of French rapists, who attack with few criminal or social consequences. A nun who happened to pass by soon joined our action. For us, the behavior of Catholic nuns has been a real eye-opener. Educated in cosmopolitan Moscow we would not have thought that there are those nuns who, at least for a while, put the ideals of female solidarity above corporate [church-state] perceptions of "morality." As it turns out, the "Dogs of the [Dominant] Lord" (Domini Canes) are much more human than wild Gundyaev. Cut down the [patriarchal] crosses and save Russia!
Protesting Rape by Police
WARNING: Exposed mammary glands and defiant, attention-grabbing demonstrating!
Activists from the Ukrainian protest group Femen staged a topless demonstration under the partially nude "Venus de Milo" statue inside Paris's Louvre Museum protesting rape. The nonviolent action was prompted by the case of a woman in Tunisia who was allegedly raped by police officers. Not only was she raped, to add insult to outrage she may face charges of indecency with her fiance. Source

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