Sunday, October 14, 2012

Underground Bases: Human and ET (video)

; Wisdom Quarterly

Are there "demons" (akasha- asuras, nagas, and yakkhas), hybrids (humanoid deva-human humanoids and chimeras) in underground military bases?

Yes, and not only that. Many of these "bases" are ancient technological marvels, structures occupied on and off by extraterrestrial beings since antiquity. Cave and cavern complexes also seem to be retreats of beings who appear at night and roam about unseen. Crosscultural myths are often rooted in some reality.
Be that as it may -- very sensational and easy to dismiss -- the focus here is on a more sinister phenomenon. The military-industrial complex (MIC), a transnational assortment of movers and shakers behind the scenes propping up banks, multinational corporations, and entire governments, many of which are selected as the face of policies they have little control over.

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