Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"Bonsai People" (Muhammad Yunus)

Muhammad Yunus (Bangladeshi Nobel Laureate),; Wisdom Quarterly
"Poor people are bonsai people. There is nothing wrong with their see. Society never allowed them the space to grow" (Yunus). Using the power of microcredit and social business to unleash human potential. A documnetary by Holly Mosher.

THE VISION OF MUHAMMAD YUNUS - What if the power of the free market could be harnessed to solve the problems of poverty, hunger, and inequality?

It may sound impossible. But Nobel Peace Prize winner Yunus (pronounced Eunice) is doing exactly that. "Bonsai People" is an emotionally compelling look at Yunus' visionary work.

Yunus is one of seven people in history to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Congressional Gold Medal.

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