Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Pornography for Women"?

," What Is 'Porn For Women(Slate.com
This week, CNBC unearthed an exciting “new market” for the porn industry: women.
“Because so much porn focuses on extreme fantasies, it has been off-putting to many women,” Chris Morris reports. “Overly buxom sex pots do things many women would never consider.” But today -- with a little mainstream encouragement from 50 Shades of Grey, the theory goes -- porn companies like New Sensations and Pink Visual are explicitly targeting women with some less-explicit fare. Think rom-com narrative, but with a graphic sexual denouement. “This is more making love than f---ing,” New Sensations president Scott Taylor told Morris. “It's a connection between two people."
It’s great that companies like New Sensations, and outlets like CNBC, are helping to legitimize women as viewers of pornography. But female interest in the genre is nothing new, and the collective fantasies of half of the human population can't be served by one narrow niche. "Porn for women” is not for all women. And many elements of it appeal to men, too. Nobody knows this better than Jacky St. James, a screenwriter, director, and publicist for New Sensations who's crafted both steamy romantic narratives and explicit all-sex releases. I sat down with her at this week's Adult Entertainment Expo to talk about misconceptions surrounding female porn viewers... More

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