Monday, February 25, 2013

Catholic Church gets even more gay (UK)

Wisdom Quarterly;
Cardinal O'Brien and the church's sexual confusion: He is to resign amid allegations of inappropriate [homosexual] behavior [forcing himself on subordinate priests] (Angus Blackburn /Rex Features/
Cardinal Keith O'Brien, the UK's most senior Roman Catholic cleric, has resigned as the head of the Scottish Catholic church after being accused of "inappropriate acts" towards fellow priests. 

News that Pope Benedict had accepted the cardinal's resignation as archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh came after the Observer disclosed a series of allegations by three priests and one former priest.
Cardinal Keith O'Brien (David Cheskin/PA)
O'Brien has denied the allegations and had been expected to continue in his post as archbishop until mid-March, when he was due to retire at age 75.
However, in a statement released by the church on Monday, it emerged that the pope had accepted O'Brien's resignation a week ago, on 18 February.

In the statement, O'Brien apologized to any people he had let down and said he did not want the controversy to overshadow the election of the new pope.

"I have valued the opportunity of serving the people of Scotland and overseas in various ways since becoming a priest," he said. More

Wisdom Quarterly
No comment. Really? No. (Q: Why did the pope really retire? A: He had a stiff neck from looking the other way for so many years). Recently we asked, How gay can Vatican priests get? Just a few days later, England's top Catholic (Scotsman and homosexual cleric, Archbishop Keith O'Brien) is stepping down after accusations by fellow priests that he sexually harassed them... Read more: "Why is sexual abuse rampant in religion?"

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