Monday, February 11, 2013

"Earth From Space" (video); Wisdom Quarterly (LINK)

Venture on an epic quest to discover the invisible forces and occurrences that sustain life on planet Earth. For the first time see these processes in action in EARTH FROM SPACE. 
This sweeping two-hour special reveals the Earth's deepest mysteries, captured in breathtaking detail, raising profound questions and challenges the old assumptions of how it all works.
Using the latest CGI technology, and joining NASA and the world's foremost Earth scientists, EARTH FROM SPACE transforms raw satellite data into a visible spectrum, offering viewers authentic, high-definition moving images that vividly illustrate these processes. 

In consultation with more than 220 scientific experts from 18 international Earth sciences research agencies and academic institutions, highlights from EARTH FROM SPACE reveal:
  • A hurricane, observed from the inside, is an intricately-organized structure. It bonds water to atmosphere and releases heat into space, cooling parts of the Atlantic Ocean by 4C.
  • The Amazon rainforest produces 20% of the Earth's fresh water. Where does all this water go and what is its effect on air circulating around the planet and life across the globe?
  • See how solar storms puncturing great holes in the magnetic field raise new questions about the disruptive effect they have on life on a microscopic level.
  • Data shows that the top three meters of the ocean stores more heat than the entire atmosphere -- overturning long-held assumptions about how the ocean controls weather and climate.

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