Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Woman dies from drinking soda

BBC ( via; Wisdom Quarterly
Coroner calls on soft drink firms to carry more warnings on hazards of sugar and caffeine and declares that drinking Coca-Cola was a "substantial factor" in the death of 30-year-old.
Soda victim Natasha Harris (
Natasha Harris, 30, who died three years ago after a cardiac arrest, drank up to 10 liters of the [dangerous but popular excitotoxin (flavorants and chemical sweeteners like Aspartame), sugar, caffeine-laden] fizzy drink each day.
This is twice the recommended safe limit of caffeine and more than 11 times the recommended sugar intake.
Processed white sugar is an addictive drug.
Coca-Cola had argued that it could not be proved its product had contributed to Ms. Harris' death. [Maybe someone else could, but it could prove it was guilty.]
The coroner's verdict came on the day Coca-Cola Sales said sales in Europe and China fell in the last quarter of 2012, and [it] warned of a "volatile" year to come.
"Clear warnings" needed
Natasha Harris, a mother of eight from the southern New Zealand city of Invercargill, suffered from ill [and soda-contributed declining] health for years before her death.
Her family said she had developed an addiction to Coca-Cola and would get withdrawal symptoms, including "the shakes," if she went without her favorite drink. [Think of Honey Boo Boo's "Go Go Water"].
"(She would) go crazy if she ran out... she would get the shakes, withdrawal symptoms, be angry, on edge and snappy," her mother-in-law Vivien Hodgkinson told the coroner's inquest last year.
Ms. Harris drank Coke throughout her waking hours, and her teeth had been removed because of decay.
"The fact that one or more of her children were born without enamel on their teeth should have been treated by her, and by her family, as a warning"
Coroner weighs in
Coroner David Crerar said her Coca-Cola consumption had given rise to cardiac arrhythmia, a condition when the heart beats too [quickly] or too slow[ly].
"I find that when all the available evidence is considered, were it not for the consumption of very large quantities of Coke by Natasha Harris, it is unlikely that she would have died when she died and how she died," Mr. Crerar's finding said.
The coroner calculated that drinking 10 liters (17.5 pints) of Coke amounted to more than 2.21 lbs (1 kg) of sugar and 970 mg of caffeine, Television New Zealand (TVNZ) reports. More

Addiction, brain damage, hunger pangs all from excitotoxins like
Aspartame in sodas, fast (junk) food, and processed meals

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