Monday, March 18, 2013


CC Liu and Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly; Debbie Lum (, Stephanie Foo and Glynn Washington (
What if an older Caucasian male started chasing young Asian females?  Is it right?  Is it racist?
"Seeking Asian Female" is an eccentric modern love story about Steven and Sandy. He is an aging White male with "Yellow Fever," obsessed with dating Asian women; she is the young Chinese bride he eventually finds online.
Chinese-American filmmaker Debbie Lum documents and narrates their lives with skepticism and humor, from the early stages of Steven's search through to the moment Sandy visits California for the first time and a year into their precarious union. 
Global migration, Sino-American relations, and the perennial Battle of the Sexes all weigh on the fate of their marriage in this intimate and quirky personal documentary.
Lum set out to make a documentary exposing the loathsome "Yellow Fever" phenomenon. She began filming Steven, a 60-year old white man, and Sandy, a 30-year old woman from China. But when they need a translator, Lum uncomfortably finds herself on the other side of the camera.
Watch the story unfold. It is screening in San Francisco on March 23, 2013. For nationwide locations and dates,
Seeking Asian Female.

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