Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Empty Mind, Full Heart: Enlightenment

What can be said of emptiness (shunyata)? Emptiness, whether explained as anatta or the void, is not nothing; it is "no thing" -- no clinging to forms or ideas but instead simply being with what is (dhamma) just as it is (Wisdom Quarterly).

Zen Workshop
Zen mediation is a form of silent concentrated awareness, opening us to see each moment just as it is -- the very expression of enlightened being. As we let go of thoughts, labels, and judgments, the True Self blossoms, and we experience the Oneness of all things. Learn the noble silence of Zen meditation, and use the mind’s patterns to set up for success. As a gateway to spiritual awakening that has been with us for hundreds of years, Zen can help us be liberated from suffering and live more fully right now!
Workshop facilitator: Roshi Jeff Albrizze (PasaDharma.org). From Catholic altar boy to urchin on the streets of Los Angeles, from traveling Pentecostal preacher to part-time Zen Buddhist monk, Roshi Jeff’s spiritual journey has led him down many paths. He has been practicing Zen Buddhism for over 20 years and leading PasaDharma Zen Group for over 14 years.

This hour-long workshop will be held as part of the upcoming Seeds of Peace Conference on Saturday, April 20th, 2013 (11:30 am-6:30 pm) at Pasadena's All Saints Episcopal Church (allsaints-pas.org).

Wisdom Quarterly will be in attendance as will various Los Angeles area Buddhist temples. Marianne Williamson, a gifted author and contributor to a Course in Miracles, is the keynote speaker. And some 37 workshops will be available for the price of admission ($15-30). The event, held as part of The Southern California Committee for a Parliament of the World's Religions (SCCPWR), promises an exciting and informative day.

Register on line (seedsofpeace2013.eventbrite.com) and choose workshops in advance.
1. Isha Kriya Meditation - ISHA Foundation, Christopher Jones, M.Div., Ph.D.
2. Labyrinth - Walking the Inner Garden, Miranda Rondeau
3. Vietnamese Cao Dai Meditation, Hum Bui, M.D., Hong Bui, M.D.
4. Kabbalistic Jewish Meditation, Gilla Nissan
5. 3HO - Kundalini Yoga & Sat Nam Rasayan Healing Art, Hari Nam Singh
6. Vedanta Meditation for Inner Peace, Swami Atmavidyananda
7. Guided Meditation on the Self - Bilingual (Spanish/English), Sister Jayanti/Yanina Olmos
8. Mindfulness Meditation - Vipassana Support International, Stephanie Nash
9. Meditation on Cosmic Awareness - the Twelve Blessings, Rev. Paul Nugent, Aetherius Society
10. Color Science Meditation - Jain Center of Southern California, Chetna Sawla
11. Ignatian Awareness Exsmen, Lexio Divino Centering Prayer, Prof. Frank Rogers Jr.
12. Raja Yoga Meditation - Brahma Kumaris, Sister Gita and Sister Diane
13. Still Point Episcopal / Hindu Meditation, Robert Kornell
14. Center for Krishna Consciousness, Sura Das and Mikhano
15. Lotus Sutra Chanting - Soka Gakkai International, Patti Heckman
16. Shumei Philosophy and Spiritual Practice, Steven Tokunaga
17. Seven Pillars House of Wisdom, Darakshan Farber and Friends
18. Empty Mind, Full Heart - Zen Meditation as Enlightenment - Pasa Dharma Zen Group, Jeff “Lotus Peace” Albrizze. 
1. “Beating Swords into Plowshares: Reducing Gun Violence," Dr. Jill Shook and Bert Newton
2. "What Religious Communities are Doing to Oppose War, Torture, and Drones," Grace Roberts Dyrness (ICUJP)
3. “Immigration Reform,” Rev. Daniel Romero
4. “Caring for All Creation," Allis Druffel, Interfaith Power and Light
5. “Prayer as Action,” Rev. Dr. Arthur Cribbs, Exec. Director CLUE
6. ”Life Choices” - An Interactive Drama Program in Schools for At-Risk Youth, Wallenberg Institute of Ethics
7. “Human Trafficking” - Jewish Labor Committee Western Region, Leslie Gersicoff
8. “Healthcare Is A Human Right,” Maureen Cruise RN
9. “The Fight Against Genocide” - Jewish World Watch, Janice Kamenir-Reznik, Co-founder and President
10. “Code Pink,” Jody Evans, Founder
11. “The Grace-Full Power of Compassionate Community Building,” Sande Hart, S.A.R.A.H.
12. "Just Peacemaking," Prof. Glen Stassen, Fuller Seminary
13. "Practical Nonviolence" - American Friends Service Committee, Eisha Mason
14. “Truth Over Fear: Overcoming Islamophobia," Salam al-Marayati and Dr. Meher Hathout, Muslim Public Affairs Council
15. “Love and Social Action,” Rev. Ed Bacon, All Saints Church
16. “Gang Violence,” Ricky Pickens & Javier Stauring
17. “Examining the U.S. Economy and Its Dysfunction,” Prof. Pamela Brubaker, California Lutheran University
18. “Spirituality and Politics,” Marianne Williamson
19. "Peace Education," Randy Christopher & Kimberly Mendendorp, Peace & Justice Academy

This public conference and gathering of all traditions will be a great opportunity to deepen our practice(s), learn more about the wonderful spiritual diversity in Southern California, and to foster fellowship with many like-minded people. There will also be the second Coachella weekend and free Earth Day events within walking distance in Pasadena's Memorial Park. Plan accordingly.

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