Thursday, April 4, 2013

Britain's 7 New Social Classes (video)

SOCIAL STUDIES, Wisdom Quarterly; ,, ; Monty Python
Anarcho-collectivist: "Help, help, I'm being repressed!" (Monty Python and the Holy Grail) 
Upper, middle, lower classes (by hat)
The traditional upper class, middle class, and working class system appears to have disappeared, according to a new study.

We are now grouped into seven social classes -- not just upper, middle and working class, experts claimed today.
At the top end is an elite consisting of just 6% of the population who have more than £140,000 [$211,000] in the bank and degrees from top universities.
At the opposite end of the scale is a so-called "precariat" of 15%, who earn only £8,000 after tax and have savings of £700.
Just one in seven people are now “traditional working class” and it is believed this group may eventually die out.

The Great British Class Survey launches on BBC One Show
The new boundaries were revealed by a BBC survey of more than 160,000 people living in Britain. The “Great British Class Survey,” carried out online, is the largest ever study of its kind.
People who took part answered questions about their income, the value of their home and savings, their cultural interests and hobbies, and the status of people they know.
Divides between an upper, middle, and working class were first seen in Britain in the 1800s during the Industrial Revolution. The new study, carried out in January 2011, shows this traditional model has now “fragmented.”

Social experts believe a more diverse range of occupations may be responsible for changes.
The Grumpy Guide To Class in England - Part One
This has produced seven different classes: [1] elite, [2] established middle class, [3] technical middle class, [4] new affluent workers, [5] traditional working class, [6] emergent service workers, and [7] the precariat.
At one in four of the population, the “established middle class” is the largest group, with household income of £47,000 [$71,000] and some highbrow tastes in music and food.
“Emergent service workers” are the youngest group, with a mean age of 34 and high proportions of ethnic minorities.
The oldest average age of 66 applies to the “traditional working class” -- which makes up just 14% of the population. More
What, no poor?
(BBC News) Manchester Hoodies/Scallies/CHAVS/Thugs/Scrotes Gang  

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