Monday, April 1, 2013

Learning PORN for college credit

CC Liu and Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly, April 1st, 2013 UPDATED
Pornstar Jessica Drake adds excitement to Professor Hugo Schwyzer's gripping navigating Internet pornography class, 3-20-13 (James Carbone/

Knuckle babies
Professor of history Hugo Schwyzer had a novel idea -- teach Internet porn to teens for college credit. Students have already been inundating themselves in homework, but now Pasadena Community College offers them a grade, academic credit and, one presumes, use of campus servers and serviettes (napkins).
  • Porn Professor Brings Adult Star to Campus (Lauren Gold): Adult film star and sex educator [trainee] Jessica Drake fielded questions from Pasadena City College students Wednesday [March 20, 2013] in Professor Hugo Schwyzer's "Navigating Pornography" class, which has attracted questions of its own in recent weeks from a wary administration. SEX ED VIDEOS
Look, I'm Ross! Beiber and his monkey (RO)
We spoke to someone who went to school with Prof. Schwyzer. While an undergrad at UC Berkeley and grad student at UCLA in history, Schwyzer was allegedly a closeted member of the LGBTQI community. Schwyzer was outed in a the UC Berkeley Housing Co-op newspaper while cheating on his Asian girlfriend, wrestling with his aspiration to become a Catholic priest, and trying to have sex with his beard/fiancee's friend and roommate, Erika Rydingsword. They lived in a residential coed co-op, Ridge House, on Holy Hill (UCB's collection of seminaries and churches adjacent to Ridge House and Ridge Project, aka Casa Zimbabwe) during the reign of Paige Wolverton, according to house manager Will Hall. "It was a different time back then [early 1990s], and Hugo was considered kind of a creepy hypocrite and ultra-religious glad-hander." Rydingsword told people Schwyzer would make her slap him, which he got off on masochistically, while guiltily recounting his Catholic frustrations and aberrant attractions.
"Feminist"? (
"We are all sure he would grow up to become either a successful politician or a failed preacher as seen in 'Borat' (see "Bruno" below), get involved in some scandals, and retreat to the Hamptons to continue his infidelities." Did people mind that he was gay? "Bi. No, maybe the naive people who looked up to him. He really could have been a politician. Jefferson, Julia Thomas, Dave Anselmni, maybe they were surprised. Most of us minded that he was a hypocrite, a religious zealot. El, a transsexual, thought he was a feminist."
He must be much cooler now after graduating with a degree in history from a top flight school and landing a post at a top city college where he can teach people how to navigate porno on the Web. "[He] Must be."

Kevin Ryder, "Miss Double December," Ralph
Local CBS affiliate radio station, KROQ (106.7 FM), has been doing a running gag on the class and its teacher ever since co-host Ralph Garman (Kevin & Bean's morning zoo) caught wind of the course.
Tomorrow an entire bit is planned (available as a free podcast). Recently college administrators were alarmed that the class was being opened up to the public without Schwyzer filling out the proper paperwork. Sadly this may mean a closed course in the future as a parade of other show-and-tell presenters is invited in. (Should've never left college).
Bruno's Sexy Religious Conversion
WARNING: Very funny. Sexual themes and language. Frank discussion of Christian repairative ("gay conversion") therapy between "Bruno" (comedian Sacha Baron Cohen) and Pastor Quinn.
    The real Shwyzer calls KROQ (April 3, 2013)
    Icky, grippy, sexy?
    Sounding very professorial and only a little perverse, the real Schwyzer (rather than Ralph the professional impersonator) called Kevin & Bean, who made light of the course in their trademark sexist way during the final hour of the show. Most interesting in the short interview were the revelations that this is the second time the course is being taught, and the class has a gender ratio of 60:40, women to men, with no minors in attendance.
    Sex with Teacher? The potential of the course just gets better and better, particularly if a student wants to be the apple (target) of a teacher's arrow (eros). According to Grace, Prof. Schwyzer is not above sexual misconduct if only "misconduct" were defined by school administrators as sex with four students being chaperoned by Schwyzer, which it is apparently not:
    On Hugo Schwyzer: Accountability...
    Slutwalk, London (Garry Knight/CC)
    "...A few weeks ago [Grace] wrote an article for Global Comment on the ongoing discussion in parts of the feminist blogosphere about Hugo Schwyzer, and more broadly on the place of people with a history of abuse in feminism and other activist movements. The short version of the controversy (from my article):
    "Schwyzer, a professor of gender studies and male feminist personality….has written prolifically, and controversially, about recovering from sex and drug addictions, his now 13-year sobriety, and his "pre-sobriety" predatory behavior towards younger female students -- including, at one point, sleeping with four students on a class trip he was chaperoning.
    What?! (
    "The current backlash against him, set in motion by yet another article recounting this troubling history, took on unprecedented intensity after the resurfacing of a post, originally written a year ago [which Schwyzer has now redacted to protect himself from legal consequences], in which Schwyzer admitted to nearly killing a former girlfriend in a drug-fueled* murder-suicide attempt.
    F*ck No Hugo (tumblr)
    "The subsequent outcry and campaign against Schwyzer has, for the first time, resulted in concrete consequences for him..." More

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