Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Land of Giants' National Park

Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly;; Nadeem Khawar
Titans (asuras) Zarathustra and more recent giants in the area (
Stupa inscription
In formerly Buddhist Pakistan (prior to Islamic invasions and the 1947 partition when the area was still Indian territory), there are a great many unearthed archeological treasures. In Deosai National Park there is an ancient rock-carving inscription of a Buddhist stupa (shown left). The traces of Buddhism are visible through this. It is a very rare and valuable piece of art and very difficult to locate in Deosai.

The park is located in the Skardu, Astore Districts of Gilgit-Baltistan province, in northernmost Pakistan, on one of the world's highest plateaus. 
Deosai means "the land of Giants." The park is located on the Deosai Plains of the Gilgit-Baltistan geographic region. It is a tourist attraction with lots of visitors to Baltistan going to Deosai as well.
Asuras (Hieronymus Bosch)
Who are the "giants" in question? The Buddha, Vedic records (such as the Itihasas, the oldest histories on Earth), Mahavira, and later the ancient Greeks spoke of "titans" (asuras). These beings appear to be the Biblical Nephilim. Zoroaster (Zarathustra), who fought the devas ("shining ones," angels) and deva-centric traditions, is said to have been an asura or titan. The religion he founded worships the Ahura Mazda (the Alpha and Omega of Zoroastrianism, the pre-Islamic foundational-Christian religion). Buddhism, Jainism, and Brahmanism (later as Hinduism) -- or the dharmic religions -- ran counter to this by upholding devas as the "good" between two sides at war in heaven (space). The "war between good and evil" later became an epic struggle and central theme for religion(s) in ancient Greece and therefore the "West" rooted in Greco-Roman traditions.
Bodhisatta (Buddhat-to-be) in Tusita space-world with devas (Pakistan, Kushan Dynasty)

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