Sunday, April 28, 2013

US military's "The Kill Team" (documentary)

Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly; Moral Injury and PTSD in the USMC

"The sad truth is that this [has frequently happened before, is happening now, and] will happen again."
On Whistleblowers and War Crimes
Q&A: Kill Team director Dan Krauss
Katie Van Syckle (Rolling Stone, 04-22-13)
In the spring of 2011, Rolling Stone reported the chilling news of a rogue band of soldiers, or "Kill Team," responsible for murdering three Afghan civilians. Although Sgt. Calvin Gibbs was the convicted mastermind, for filmmaker Dan Krauss, the unique moral conflict rested with Spc. Adam Winfield. While on duty in Afghanistan, Winfield discovered several of his fellow soldiers were intentionally killing civilians. More

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