Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Science: Plants talk to each other (video)

Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly;; Eric Pfeiffer (Yahoo News)
Underground mushroom network beneath forest floor: MYCELIUM (Fungi Perfecti)
Oh no, they discovered the secret!
As Wisdom Quarterly reported earlier, mycologist Paul Stamets discovered that the first "World Wide Web" was an internet of fibers called mycelium, which runs along the forest floor connecting mushrooms and serving as a WWW for plants. Now a new scientific study is catching up to Stamets' original Internet discovery. Plants and "plant beings" have been communicating with one another all along, and animals, too. Humans in forests or using plants know, see, and speak to Nature directly as she manifests in sentient organisms of all kinds, seen and unseen, full of light and a little scary. The Church has known, and sages have seen. And how often did the Buddha speak of "shining ones" (devas) who illuminated the entire woodland grove, or serpent-beings and ogres (nagas and yakkhas) who shapeshifted?

(TED) Mycologist Paul Stamets studies mycelium and lists 6 ways this astonishing fungal network can help save the world. It cleans polluted soil, creates new insecticides, treats smallpox and maybe even the flu... A mere 18 minutes is not long enough for him to get all the way through his list, but it is plenty of time to blow our minds. His presentation was an audience favorite at TED 2008. (17:44, recorded Feb. 2008, Monterey, California).
Mushroom like Buddhist stupa (VW)
A new study has demonstrated that plants can use an underground network of fungi to warn each other about incoming insect attacks.

Carried out by researchers from the University of Aberdeen, the James Hutton Institute, and Rothamsted Research, the study demonstrated that the plants are able to send warnings of incoming aphids to other plants connected to their network. The plants then send out a chemical signal that repels aphids and attracts wasps, a natural aphid predator.
The research follows previous findings that have shown plants can communicate similar chemical warnings through the air.
Mushrooms were the first "flowers" and "trees" on Earth.
The new study says plants can connect with other via a common fungus known as mycorrhizae. "Mycorrhizal fungi need to get [products of photosynthesis] from the plant, and they have to do something for the plant," John Pickett of Rothamsted Research told the BBC.
"In the past, we thought of them making nutrients available from the [roots and soil], but now we see another evolutionary role for them in which they pay the plant back by transmitting the signal efficiently," he said.
Univ. of Aberdeen’s David Johnson added, "Our understanding of ecological systems has not considered the fact that plants are interconnected in this way. It could have major implications for our understanding of how one organism affects another."
Shamans and wise neanderthals knew it all along and considered all plants sacred.
They know, they know! (Great-wall-hikers)
Conversely, the plants in the study not connected to the fungal network did not send out warning signals to other plants after coming under attack. The in-network plants were also covered with bags to ensure that they were not actually sending the signals through the air [which is another mode of communication they are known by scientists to utilize].
Pickett said the discovery could lead to farms using the fungi as an advance warning system for their crops. In theory, one “sacrificial” plant would be kept at a distance from the crops. If it fell under attack from insects, it would warn the rest of the plants, giving them time to mount a viable defense.

The secret is DMT: The Spirit Molecule (Documentary), the "seat of consciousness," found in nearly all plants and tissues like the heart and pineal gland!
Mycological Society of San Francisco (
(Origins of Religion) Mushrooms as medicine for the psyche ("soul")
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross (John M. Allegro)
(Unsealed) UFOs and the Vatican: what plant shamans have long known

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