Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pussy Riot on oil! (video)

Pussy Rioters Amber and Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; Joyce Hackel (TheWorld, 7-17-13)
Russian journalist Masha Gessen talks with The World's anchor Marco Werman about the provocative new music video by the dissident band Pussy Riot. Gessen recently spent four hours visiting a leading band member, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, in prison. More
Nadya defying sexism (willworth)
Премьера новой акции Pussy Riot "Как в красной тюрьме"! Our public collective (you can join, too, just get a balaclava when speak truth to power) is happy to present the newest Pussy Riot action entitled "Like a Red Prison"!

Ролик включает английские и русские титры — выбирайте в настройках (белый квадратик в правом нижнем углу ролика)!
Select English or Russian subtitles for convenience: Press the small white box in the lower right corner of the video to turn it on and off.
Pussy Riot, Red Square (Denis Bochkarev)
Все фотографии акции по захвату нефтяных объектов России с комментариями активисток, а также полный текст песни в онлайн-журналe Pussy Riot!

What is a Pussy Riot? Imprisoned Russian feminist dissident and beauty queen Nadya Tolokno defines "riot" as a putsch, movement, activist revolt. More 

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