Sunday, August 18, 2013

Miss Teen USA: nudity, sex, extortion!

Seth Auberon, Ashley WellsPat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly; AP/, 8-16-13
Miss California Teen USA 2013 is crowned Miss Teen USA 2013 and celebrates on stage with show Hosts Karl Schmidt, Tami Farrell (Miss Teen USA 2003), and Logan West (Miss Teen USA 2012) from Atlantis, Paradise Island and Resort in The Bahamas, 8-10-13 (Tim Harbaugh/AP).
Miss Teen USA 2013, Cassidy Wolf
The FBI [our corrupt American "Federal Bureau of Investigation"] is investigating allegations that the newly crowned Miss Teen USA was the victim of someone who hacked into a webcam in her Southern California bedroom several months ago in an attempt to extort nude photographs from her.
Agents believe they have identified the person behind the alleged "sextortion" scheme, said Laura Eimiller, spokeswoman for the FBI in Los Angeles on Friday. No arrest has been made.
OMG, almost nude!
Cassidy Wolf, a 19-year-old graduate of Great Oak High School in Temecula [a desert ranch land east of Los Angeles], won the Miss Teen USA crown Saturday.
Wolf has said she would use her fame to highlight cybercrime, and earlier this week told the website of NBC's "Today" show that several months ago she received an anonymous email in which the sender claimed to have stolen images from the camera on her home computer.
The emailer threatened to go public with images captured from Wolf's webcam unless she would provide nude pictures of herself, Eimiller said. Instead, Wolf went the authorities.

Top priority! We'll get to the bottom of this!
"Many victims are embarrassed or keep it to themselves," Eimiller said. "Coming forward is key to stopping the criminal activity." 
[CON: It's an old scam. There were probably no serious photos to begin with with which to extort the person, but there soon would be if she shot and sent them in to stop the release of the nonexistent first set.]
Kidnapped Hannah Anderson back home
Based on an investigation launched in March the FBI believes there are more than a dozen victims in all -- from Riverside County, where Temecula is located, and beyond, Eimiller said.
Wolf's mother told the Riverside Press-Enterprise that her daughter was in New York, where she will attend the New York Film Academy. A phone message left Friday by The Associated Press for the mother was not immediately returned.
Dr. (Mrs.) L.S. Dewaraja (Buddhist Publication Society via
KANDY, Sri Lanka - Today, when the role of women in society is an issue of worldwide interest it is opportune to pause to look at it from a Buddhist perspective.

In the recent past, a number of books have been written on the changing status of women in Hindu and Islamic societies. But with regard to women in Buddhism, ever since the distinguished Pali scholar Miss I.B. Horner wrote her book on Women Under Primitive Buddhism, as far back as 1930, very little interest has been taken in the subject.
So let us raise again the question of whether the position of women in Buddhist societies is or was better than that in non-Buddhist societies in Asia.
Let us at Theravada countries Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Burma and Vajrayana/Mahayana Tibet at a time before the impact of the West was ever felt.
Hugh Boyd came as an envoy of the British Governor at Madras, India, to the Kandy Court on the Buddhist island of Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka) in 1782. He writes (The Miscellaneous Works of Hugh Boyd, with an account of his Life and Writings by L.D. Campbell, London, 1800, pp. 54-56):
The Cingalese [Sinhalese, Buddhist Sri Lankans] women exhibit a striking contrast to those of all other Oriental Nations in some of the most prominent and distinctive features of their character. Instead of that lazy apathy, insipid modesty and sour austerity, which have characterized the sex throughout the Asiatick world, in every period of its history, in this island they possess that active sensibility, winning bashfulness and amicable ease, for which the women of modern Europe are peculiarly famed. The Cingalese women are not merely the slaves and mistresses, but in many respects the companions and friends of their husbands; for though the men be authorized by law to hold their daughters in tyrannical subjection, yet their sociable and placable dispositions, soften the rigor of their domestic policy. And polygamy being unknown and divorce permitted among the Cingalese, the men have none of that constitutional jealousy, which has given birth to the voluptuous and unmanly despotism that is practiced over the weaker sex in the most enlightened nations, and sanctioned by the various religions of Asia. The Cingalese neither keep their women in confinement nor impose on them any humiliating restraints.
This quote is just one taken from a series of comments which European observers have made on the women of Sri Lanka. Many of these European visitors to our shores came... They had first-hand knowledge of the women in Europe and many of them came through India having observed the women in Hindu and Islamic societies.
So their evidence is all the more valuable. The recurring comments made by these widely traveled visitors on the women... deal[s] with condition[s] that prevailed up to the middle of the nineteenth century. Prior to this our sources are so meager that we cannot detect any major social changes. After this, due to the impact of Western imperialism, commercial enterprise and Christian missionary activity, changes in the traditional structures become perceptible.
It is only in European writings that one finds lengthy accounts of the social conditions prevailing in the island. The indigenous literature, being mainly religious, lacks information regarding mundane topics like women. More
New Buddha statues discovered in Mes Aynak, Afghanistan

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