Wednesday, September 18, 2013

First Annual Int'l Healing Convention

Healers' Convention, Sept. 20-22, North Hollywood (
Kwan Yin Bodhisattva as healer
NORTH HOLLYWOOD, California (AMCPM) - Lightworkers, psychics, mediums, and energy-healers from around the world will be gathering in Los Angeles this weekend.
With messages of love and the mysterious work of the spirit (prana, chi, spiritus), intention produces healing and good energy in magical ways.

Join the very first psychic convention in Los Angeles, California. It begins with a network party on Sept. 20, 21, and 22 at the Beverly Garland Hotel.

Saturday features eight workshops, and a spirit seance. Sunday features the psychic gallery with private readings throughout the weekend. More
  • Weekend pass in advance: $111.00/$150.00 at door. Friday evening only:  $35.00  (party with appetizers and live music).  Saturday only:  $85.00. Sunday only: $55.00 Single event special: $15.00 (except Fri)  includes any workshop, seance, gallery.
Healers, Heal Thy Selves
Self-care for everyone
Healers come in all colors (green, red, transparent), shapes (mostly overweight or super skinny), and dimensions (here and beyond). They aren't perfect. They need healing, too, which they usually try to accomplish through helping others. In any case, this is how they seek it. They may need more "self-care." And that's where this MeetUp group comes in handy. Its purpose is to provide a venue for healthcare and other providers of health related and transformational healing services to self-care through meditation, journeying, Reiki (Japanese chi channeling), lightwork, energy work, conscious evolution, shamanic healing, and other uplifting modalities. The group meets bi-weekly on Tuesdays in North Hollywood to collaborate and sponsor one another's well being. The focus is on self-care and empowerment to sponsor the health and well-being of fellow practitioners. It is not a networking group; however, networking with like-minded healers may be an inevitable by-product of attending. More

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