Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sex, Intimacy, Communication on Buddhist Path

Seth Auberon and Gary Sanders, Wisdom Quarterly
"Adore," the next "Lolita" with tables turned on boys by cougars (Gaumont/zimbio.com)

Sex, Intimacy, and Communication on the Buddhist Path
Don't stare at my chest; it's censored!
A unique series will explore what the Buddha taught as principles for lay practitioners regarding relationships and sexuality. The format will include meditation, Dharma talks, and open discussions.
Facilitator JoAnna Harper will also leap forward 2,600 years to a growing population of non-monastic Buddhist practitioners living life in the world of sensuality, desire, and intimate sexual relationships. Relatively little is found on these topics in Buddhism. 
Sex on the brain (GM)
But this class series is a beautiful opportunity to discover our own relationship to these sensitive topics on how to live life fully while causing less distress to ourselves and others around us.

This four-week series covers the third precept -- not causing harm with our sexuality, renouncing clinging through voluntary celibacy, how a strong mindfulness practice can open us to greater intimacy with others and deepen our communication skills.
  • Four-Week Series with JoAnna Harper
  • Mondays starting Oct. 7, 7:30-9:00 pm
  • Against the Stream, Melrose
COST: $20 per evening, plus dana for the teacher. $10 discount if paid in advance. Scholarships and work study are available and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. INFO/REGISTER

JoAnna Harper (spiritrock.org)
JoAnna Harper has been exploring and practicing multiple traditions since 1999.  In 2005, her focus landed on Buddhism and Vipassana (insight meditation) in particular, which is the basis of most of her current teachings. She facilitates adult and teen weeklong silent retreats, day longs, and weekly classes; she also works with at-risk youth and others in institutional and school settings. She has been trained in council facilitation through the Ojai Foundation, is a graduate of Noah Levine's Against the Stream teacher training program, and is currently in the Spirit Rock/IMS/IMC four-year teacher training. She is a grateful mother of two children, CJ and Harris, who are her main inspirations.

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