Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Beauty Pageant or Sexual Farce? (video)

Nick Blinko, Farce; Amber Larson, Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
Megan Young, Miss Philippines, crowned Miss World (center) More
Tough guys, join later.
It's a "Farce"! She is such a pretty girl. Her shape fits well into a mold. Her mind removed, her body's sold. She does exactly what she's told.
He is such a brave young man. If his brain can't then violence can. His mind was drained since life began of the compassion he once had.

Why go on living in the past? We just uphold this sexual farce. Past is past is past is farce. Why go on living in the past?

If air to breathe is hard to find in her tight mold, she doesn't mind. She fits in well; she's one of a kind. Her processed mind upholds the lies.

No girls allowed (Reuters/Vatican)
He, in turn, plays out the part we tempted him with from the start. She, in turn, plays out the part dictated to her by the past.

It's a "Cosmetic Plague"! Being honest is no means of survival. So we avoid our inner-feelings like the plague.
Unreal beauty (artist Claire Duguid)
This is what it takes to comply with the image society will accommodate. But things aren't what they seem when they're partially hidden behind walls of pretense -- built for our peace of mind. The barriers between us are maintained by our acceptance of the roles others choose to define.

In a world of competition life's portrayed as a contest where we're forced to live by making gains at others' expense.

Renaissance man and his best friend (R)
But no one's really gaining when perpetual conflict's the result of our relationships. We don't need this cultural cosmetic division. It upholds the self-interest on which the system feeds, A decolonized consciousness, one of mutual respect, is the only way to cure this cosmetic disease.

It's a "Mice Race"! Dawn breaks, but it isn't a new day. Men like sheep, women like mice -- all caught in the rat race. Take a closer look at what's going on today. Are we justified in having nothing to say? Are we justified in having nothing to say? Are we not aware of a feeling of humiliation? Don't we have to sell ourselves, keep on saying, "Sir." Are we really satisfied that everything's okay?

"The New Age Traveller" - UK doc includes footage of Stonehenge Free
Festivals, Battle of the Bean Field, Castlemorton... (Time Shift/BBC 4)
(Tom Tomorrow/
Conditioned from the start, and controlled from all directions, swamped by a normality that mustn't be questioned. Ignorance is only a form of self-deception. Are we justified in having nothing to say? 
Take a closer look at what's going on today. Are we really satisfied that everything's okay? Perhaps, after all, too much thinking doesn't pay.

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